The Assembly


The Assembly

Design PrincIPLES

The Assembly will draw on the unique aspects of the site and surrounding neighbourhood to create a new community precinct. The development marks an extraordinary opportunity to unlock a currently post-industrial site beckoning for remediation and reimagination. The design configuration is driven around preserving the significance of the built heritage to allow the heritage Matilda factory to become a focal point and generator of re-imagined community amenity. With this civic responsibility at its heart, the design is led by 5 key guiding principles:

Celebrate History and Heritage:

through the adaptive re-use of the heritage building, maintaining key sight lines and vistas and rehabilitating the former industrial use.

Create New Pathways and Connections:

that open the site to the community, provide high amenity links between the river and the sea and stitch the site into existing and future areas.

Deliver New Public Spaces:

that create a green frame, a chain of destinations through the site, prioritising pedestrian and cyclist movements and creating new spaces for events and celebrations.

Become a Community Destination:

by introducing a diverse mix of food and beverage, everyday retail, and public uses that are open to the whole community.

Deliver Iconic Built Form:

that respond to the site’s unique setting, increases sense of openness and amenity, and delivers a diverse range of living options for the whole community.

Heritage Revitalisation

Introducing a diverse mix of food and beverage, everyday retail, and public uses that are open to the whole community.

New Public Spaces

Activate the ground floor with new restaurants, cafes, bars and retail that is available to the public.

Shower Facilities

Create a unique living and lifestyle experience responding to context and the unique setting of  river and ocean gateway to North Fremantle.

Public Courtyard

Deliver key public spaces that provide high amenity links between the river and the sea and stitch the site into existing and future areas.


Public Spaces

Embed community spaces including creative and co-working spaces.

Port Cochere

Create a green frame, a string of destinations through the site, prioritise pedestrian and cyclist movements and creating new spaces for events and celebrations.

Iconic Built Form

Deliver exceptional housing options and enhance sustainability through renewable energy, reduced consumption and environmental quality.